Redis Client On Mac

  • Mac安装Redis可视化工具-Redis Desktop Manager.
  • Securing Redis Client Connections User Login Lockout for Security Compliance Supported Clients and Web Browsers Synchronizing cluster node clocks Setting up a New Cluster Adding a Cluster Node Creating a Redis Enterprise Software Database. Create an Active-Active Geo-Replicated Database.


Quickly connect to Redis servers and save configuration files Within the main window you must start by connecting to a Redis server: define a connection name, provide the host address, the. Redis GUI Client for Mac. Redis GUI Client for Mac. RedisInsight is the successor to RDBTools! RDBTools will reach EOL on 31st December 2019. Get RedisInsight. 2X Client RDP connects with the 2X ApplicationServer XG to publish any Windows application to Mac desktops.

Update: In April 2019, we acquired RDBTools from HashedIn and created its successor RedisInsight, a browser-based management interface for your Redis deployment. Learn more and download it here.

It all comes down to preferences. While there are Redis users who are familiar with the Redis command line interface (CLI) and rely on it to inspect, visualize and perform manual updates, there are those who prefer to using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to achieve that. There are several Redis GUIs available, for different platforms, and in this article I’ll try to review a few of them.

Important: Before using any of these tools in production, keep in mind that some GUIs rely on the (“evil”) KEYS command. Should you have a large database, your Redis server might freeze and cause issues in your production applications.

Redsmin: My Go-To-Tool for the Cloud (and Below)

I’m starting off with Redsmin – my personal favorite. It mixes perfectly my on-the-go needs with a sane and objective way to work with my databases. It is a different kind of offering as it is a web based service that offers not only a GUI for inspecting your Redis data, but also monitoring and runtime server reconfiguration. Redsmin provides several plans, including a free one that can be used to evaluate a small dataset (up to 100,000 keys). Since redsmin is a hosted service, connection to your Redis server can be done directly over the internet, optionally SSL authenticated and encrypted, or by using a proxy service that you run on your servers that exposes your Redis instances to Redsmin in a secure way.

Redsmin has plenty of extra features, such as slowlog inspection, a list of currently connected clients that allows you to disconnect them, a multi keys editor for batch operations and great search features. With plans starting as low as 5,99€/mo, you can lift all limitations and connect to multiple Redis instances.

Free Redis Gui Client

Pros: the most extensive features set, ease of use, no install

Cons: requires an internet connect, anything else contact Redsmin’s awesome support.

Redis Commander: A Free Node.js Powerful Choice

Redis Commander is a Node.js web application that can be used to view, edit and manage your Redis databases from the comfort of your browser. It allows you to directly manipulate all of Redis’ data types. It’s freely available (although it doesn’t specify under which license) and can be easily installed via npm, provided you have a working node.js installation.

Like most Redis GUIs, Redis Commander allows you to connect to multiple database and Redis server instances simultaneously. Besides having an editor, Redis Commander also includes a terminal with auto completion (for both commands and keys), documentation and import/export functionality.

Redis Commander does require direct access to your Redis servers, but you can get around that by running it directly in your Redis servers so you can access it remotely without having to expose your Redis server over the internet.

Pros: it’s free, powerful, in your browser and runs wherever Node.js is.

Cons: requires direct connectivity, only runs where Node.js is.

Redis Desktop Manager: Cross-Platform, Pure Desktop GUI

Redis Desktop Client For Mac

Redis Desktop Manager is a cross-platform desktop Redis client, available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux desktops. It’s freely available under the MITLGPL license.

Like most other Redis GUIs, it allows you to connect simultaneously to multiple Redis databases or instances, inspect and modify your data and use an interactive terminal. You can also search for keys across multiple databases and view a system console which logs all Redis commands.

However. One unique feature of Redis Desktop Manager is that it allows you to establish connections via SSH tunnels, enabling secure connections to remote servers.

Redis Client On Mac

Pros: free, dead simple installation, runs on the desktop, SSH tunneling a breeze

Redis Client On Mac

Cons: if you’re comfortable using a desktop GUI, there are none. Update: there seems to be a minor issue with OpenGL under a VM that’s fixable as instructed here (hat tip: Adam Christie).

Induction: You Can Guess By the Name That It’s for Mac OS X


UPDATE: the project has been discontinued.

Induction is a Mac OS X database client. It’s not Redis specific as it also supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and MongoDB, and therefore isn’t the the most complete Redis GUI. Nevertheless, it allows to inspect and query your Redis database. Similarly to other Redis clients, it requires a direct connection to your server.

The alpha version is free available under an open source license.

Pros: An holistic view on polyglot persistency

Cons: limited Redis-specific functionality, MacOS-specific

redis-browser: The Runner Up

This web-based explorer view of your Redis database is delivered as a Ruby gem. It is the youngest of the tools in this review and probably the simplest. Simplicity, however, is sometime a virtue, especially when you need a no-frills, dead-simple GUI. Give it a shot and encourage @Monterail to keep up the good work!


There are several other Redis GUI alternatives that are available, both for the desktop and ones that are web-based, with similar characteristics to the ones shown here. The ones highlighted here are the most popular and actively developed, but YMMV. They were picked as examples to allow developers that are less CLI-savvy to gain insight into their Redis databases and quickly perform some updates. If you have other favorites tellme – I’m highly available 🙂


Redis Client Macos


If you’re just getting started with Redis, installing this in-memory data store is the first task you’ll need to accomplish. The steps required for the installation will vary somewhat depending on the operating system you’re using on your local machine. In this article, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions to install Redis on macOS and various distributions of Linux.


Before you proceed with your Redis installation, make sure you have some experience using the sudo privilege to log into your system. If you’re running Windows or macOS, you can install Redis by clicking on the download link for the interactive installer. Alternatively, you can use Homebrew on macOS to install it. We’ll provide detailed instructions on that process later in our tutorial.

Install Redis on Linux

If you’re using an Ubuntu distribution of Linux, you can install Redis using the APT-GET repository.

First, you’ll need to update the system update manager package. This will ensure that you have the latest version before you attempt to install anything:

sudoapt-get update

Using sudo allows you to access the root permissions required for this task.

Next, complete your Redis installation using the install command:

Finally, enable the Redis server with the following command:

sudo systemctl enable redis-server

You’ll be prompted for a password for authentication purposes. Input the password and then hit ENTER.

The output of the command will look like this:

Synchronizing state of redis-server.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable redis-server

If you have a Red Hat distribution of Linux such as CentOS, use the YUM repository to handle your Redis installation by enabling the REMI repository:

sudoyum install epel-release yum-utils
sudoyum install

Next, enable the config manager package with the following command:

Last but not least, complete the Redis installation using yum:

sudoyum install redis

After installing Redis, enable it with the systemctl command:

You can also check the status of the Redis database using the sudo system command in the terminal:

sudo systemctl status redis

Install Redis on macOS

If you’re running macOS X on a Mac, you can use the Homebrew package manager for your Redis installation. The following command will download the Homebrew package using cURL and install it with Ruby:

/usr/bin/ruby -e'$(curl -fsSL'

Install Redis using Homebrew

First, update your package manager so it can get the latest version of the Redis database:

Then complete your Redis installation using the command:

Redis Client Mac Gui

brew install redis

Enable and start the Redis services

After completing the Redis installation, you’ll want to restart the service:

If you want to run Redis in the background, use the command shown below:

redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

NOTE: This will start the Redis service using the specified configuration file.

The following command will all of the Redis .plist files to the LaunchAgents directory. This causes the service to start automatically whenever Mac OSX is rebooted:

ln-sfv/usr/local/opt/redis/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents

Verify Redis is running

The final step in the installation process is to test if the Redis server is running. Connect to the Redis client interface with redis-cli, and then use the ping command to get a response from the server:

~$ redis-cli>ping


Installing Redis may seem like an intimidating process if you’re not even sure where to begin. Having step-by-step instructions makes the task a simple one to accomplish. In this article, we showed you how to complete a Redis installation in a variety of environments. With this tutorial to guide you, you’ll be able to handle a Redis installation in any of the major operating systems.